Clear Me Up! ~ Aura and Room Spray

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Clear Me Up! ~ Aura and Room Spray

from $10.00
  • Aura & Space Clearing

  • Blessing & Renewal 

  • Consecration of Objects and Places

  • An Aid in Preparation for Sacred Ceremony

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Many people are aware that there is an energy field around the body (known as the aura) which also contains specific energy centers called “chakras.” This field and these centers can be extremely permeable at times to influences from the outside world. In addition, if not consciously monitored and consistently cleared, the powerful impact that one’s own lower frequency thoughts, limiting beliefs, and negative feelings can have upon these delicate energy centers can be critical as well. The most vital thing we can do, therefore, for the “personal hygiene” of our energy body is to cleanse and protect it every day, just as we do our physical body.  Clear Me Up! was formulated for just this purpose. This Blend will assist in clearing and protecting the aura and all of the chakras, and is an excellent choice for daily use as a cleansing, purifying, harmonizing and protecting substance for both personal and environmental use.


Energy charged Water (infused with select crystal spheres, positive intentions, and Master Number 33 vibration)

100% pure essential oils of:

Palo Santo Wood, Cedarwood, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Lemon, Sandalwood, Frankincense, White Fir, Black Spruce, Juniper Berry, Pine, and Angelica Root.