

The Thoughts, Intentions and Frequencies You Radiate CREATe YOUR REALITY!

About Kay Scott

         Kay Scott, creator of EVERYDAY INTENTIONS ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS™ and LIFE PATH NAVIGATION, is a multifaceted holistic practitioner and consultant. She has spent over 50 years pursuing her spiritually chosen fields of natural vibrational healing, astrology, numerology, crystal and sound healing, alchemy, sacred geometry, essential oil, gemstone and flower essence therapies.

Growing up at the base of the Rocky Mountains in the beauty of Fort Collins, Colorado, Kay made a life-long commitment to natural health, healing, and wellness on all levels. She has always believed that our connection to Spirit is an inspiration and ultimate blessing in our lives.

EVERYDAY INTENTIONS ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS™ is Kay’s creation of blended oils to manifest her vision that “Good fortune, regeneration, miracles and magical blessings flow into the lives of those who utilize these products, containing high frequency vibrational energies, together with the amazing power of Intention.” Positive intentions are infused into each blend, along with a special Master Number frequency to raise the energetic signature and everyday healing and manifesting experience for all those benefiting from these very special Spirit co-creations.

In creating these powerful, unique and fragrant oil blends, Kay is especially grateful for the contributions of Lynn McTaggert for her pioneering scientific work with the “Power of Intention” to affect everything both near and far, and Louise L. Hay for her life-long role in making affirmations a tangible force for changing our lives for the better.

By incorporating her extensive and successful career in education, as well as educational, intuitive and personal counseling, Kay also has a thriving practice utilizing the modalities of Numerology and Astrology to assist others with their “Life Path Navigation,” and is available for personal consultations.

Kay may be contacted at kay@everydayintentionoils.com.



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Energy Water

What do we mean by "Energy Charged Water?"

        The “energy charged water” used in our Everyday Intentions Essential Oil Blends is special indeed. It starts with pure Spring Water, which is then filtered through a Turapur water filtration system, greatly improving the basic quality of the water vs. other filters.

        The water is then placed in a clear “Sante” charging vessel, which creates a very high energy therapeutic water (90,000 “Bovis” Energy Units – a high Bovis value on the Bovis scale means more chi or life force for living organisms, the key reference point on the scale is found at 6,500 Bovis Energy Units).

        This clear vessel has also been imprinted with various words carrying positive intention (Love, Peace, Happiness, Courage, Vibrant Health, Inspiration, Mindfulness, Bliss, and Prosperity).

        Carefully placed inside this powerful vessel are near perfect gemstone spheres of clear quartz, amethyst, rose quartz and malachite. Each gemstone has been lovingly chosen to enhance and empower the effects of the water used in each Intention Blend:

        Clear Quartz: attracting and increasing Life Force

        Amethyst: attaining Wisdom, Wealth, and developing deep Spirituality

        Rose Quartz: all forms of Love (especially unconditional Love), and purifying the emotions

        Malachite: harmonizing the Body, opening the Heart, and loving the Earth

Each of the processes and ingredients utilized in creating the “energy charged water” in our Intention Blends has been painstakingly thought out and lovingly applied so that you, as the recipient, can be sure to have the best experience and outcomes possible in using these products. We really LOVE what we do!

**Important Things to Know About Water (and why “good energy water” is GREAT: )

Water has its own vibration or "signature". Every atom, molecule, or substance has its own unique oscillation pattern or vibration, which can be measured in electromagnetic wavelengths.

Water carries energy information. Water is the best known conductor of vibration. Information transfer from water is possible without direct contact.

Water stores energy information. Water possesses the ability to store information that has been impressed upon it from a given vibration for long periods, as can be measured by specific electromagnetic wavelengths found in the water; thus, even after harmful physical substances are removed, their negative energy vibrational patterns or "signatures" still remain, which can be traced back precisely to the original substances.

Water has "memory". Water can retain the vibrational memory of a substance, even after it is diluted beyond “Avogadro's number,” where no physical traces of the substance remain.

Water transfers energy information. Water can transfer such information from vibrational patterns, or "memory", to other systems, including living organisms.

High-vibrational water can balance out low, or "negative", vibrations. Water revitalization allows water in a higher vibrational (energized) state to transfer or share its higher frequencies, which acts to balance out low energy and negative information.

Water conductivity is at its best at body temperature. The minimum specific warmth and the maximum structural potential of water is measured at 37.5 C, or the normal human body temperature (98.6 F); this finding indicates that water at this temperature is at a maximal structural point to acquire a large amount of information.

The human body may be uniquely susceptible to receiving the memory vibrational information carried in the water since the ideal transfer temperature is our own body temperature. Positively energized water has the best potential at this temperature to spread its "good news" throughout the body; conversely, negatively energized water can spread its "bad news" with unfortunate efficiency.

Water energy conductivity can be proven with UV light. Water quality can also be evaluated by the amount of ultraviolet light it absorbs; "poor" quality water will absorb higher amounts of UV light, while "good" quality water absorbs low amounts.

Ciccolo, "Domenica del Corriere", February 18, 1988; 2. Ciccolo, Beneviste; 3. (Engler and Kokoschinegg, 1988); 4. Ludwig, Beneviste, in "Natur-Wissen"; 5. Beneviste; 6. Ludwig, Felsch; 7Ciccolo; 8. Felsch, Engler and Kokoschinegg, 1988; 9. Felsch; 10. Ludwig

Sante Natural Products, www.revitalizenow.com/why_revitalize5.htm



How does Numerology help us in our lives, and what are Master Numbers ?

The science of Numerology is actually as old as recorded history. It is the study of the influences or effects of the vibrations or energies of numbers as they correlate to letters of the alphabet. It is a wondrous and powerful method brought down through time that has been used for understanding the material, emotional, mental/psychological, and spiritual goals, attributes and environments we may have set for ourselves during our current incarnation. Its accuracy and usefulness may have been questioned upon occasion, but in the end, not only has its practice survived and even thrived and burgeoned, but it has become a well-respected body of knowledge and thus now even referred to as a science.


We all come into this life with a name, which corresponds to a vibratory frequency, according to the letters it contains, and which will affect us positively or not, depending upon those frequencies and how they interact with each other. Of course, with consciousness and intent, we are at liberty to change our name, and thus our experience and destiny, which many have done, with quite positive and famous outcomes. The point is this: if we are to get through our life experiences with a minimum of difficulty and/or maladjustment, it would be best if we get into harmony with our own vibrations, as well as the vibrations around us, as much as possible.

This is not only why you want to know your personal Numerology, and improve upon it, but why you might even want to make sure that you, for instance, consciously choose the right house number for your best experience. Or take a look at the address of your proposed workplace and for SURE, you ought to look at the name and birth date of the person whom you choose as a romantic interest!

Now, as far as Master Numbers are concerned, in the field of Numerology, there are no numbers as powerful as Master Numbers. Master numbers begin with 11 and carry on with the double digits, such as 22, 33, 44, and so on, up to 99. They are exceptionally dynamic frequencies actually even larger than life in many of their aspects, especially when they show up in a person’s name or birth date. However, they can also carry a great deal of power and energy wherever they may appear, even as a house number, phone number, or a myriad of other applications! It is therefore important to respect the inherent power, tremendous potency and wondrous potential that these awesome numbers contain. They are forces that most certainly draw us toward our best and highest expressions as conscious humans!

We at Everyday Intentions Essential Oil Blends have chosen to infuse our Blends with the Master Number 55 frequency because we believe the core essence of this master frequency is vibrationally closest to our vision that our customers connect with their Soul Force and experience the magic of: the Art of Happiness ("Happiness is the highest form of health,“ Dalai Lama), Putting Dreams into Action, living the full expression of their Soul Purpose and Individuality, and Freedom of Thought and Action in their everyday lives. The Master Number 55 conveys these qualities and much more, such as vision, courage, and an increase in Spiritual Consciousness.

We feel blessed to have been guided to the Master Number 55, as it is said to be destined to bring about many auspicious opportunities and huge changes for the highest good in people’s lives, and especially for helping them to find the courage and commitment to accomplish their goals and achieve their dreams. This vibrational frequency has helped us tremendously in bringing our dream of offering Intention Blends to the world into concrete form. We know it will help others manifest their heart’s intentions as well!


Intention or Affirmation?

What exactly is Intention and how is it different from Affirmation?

The first and most important thing to know and remember about BOTH intention AND affirmation is that the words we speak (and think), whether to ourselves or to others, hold great power over the kind of life that we create for ourselves. It is really too bad that many people may live a large part, or even all, of their lives, in various states of negative thinking and never really realize this truth. They tend to spend a large portion of their time telling themselves all the reasons why they are not good enough, or why they are not worthy of someone or something, or why they will fail, and then actually begin to see (or continue to see) their reality fulfilling these very scenarios. However, just as the subconscious and conscious minds accept as truth the critical and negative statements we tell ourselves, they are also excellently equipped to just as well and even at times, instantly, accept the sincerity of our positive statements to ourselves.

If you check out Wikipedia, it says “intention” is a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future. An intention is also something you want/desire to accomplish (It is my intention to be a happy and positive person). Intention involves mental activities such as planning and forethought. An affirmation, on the other hand, is a declaration that something is true now (I am a happy and positive person.) For an affirmation to be effective, it needs to be present tense, positive, personal and specific.

The similarities and difference between affirmations and intentions are slight, but highly important. It is true that once either of them enter our realm of consciousness, they also enter our subconscious mind, where they have the power to change our lives. So, both intentions and affirmations are statements chosen and spoken consciously; they are both stated in the positive; they are both personal and specific; and they both represent a preferred experience, EXCEPT that one is stated as a desired outcome (intention) and the other is stated as already being true or having occurred (affirmation). So, is one necessarily better than the other? Well, that may actually come down to personal preference. However, there are distinct nuances that are important to note if you are crafting one or the other (or both) for your personal use.

Affirmations actually tend to draw intentions into the present moment (revisit the examples above). This can actually be quite helpful in a number of situations where we need to take control over our thoughts quickly, such as in situations where we may be caught off guard or when we may feel nervousness or fear. For instance, if a conversation becomes uncomfortable or even turns toward conflict it’s going to be much quicker and more effective to affirm “I am calm and centered,” than “My intention is to be calm and centered,” because right then, the need is to quickly focus on the experience that is immediately desired.

The downside of affirmations for some, however, can be that they are seen as not as authentic as intentions. An example of this point of view would be someone with a grave illness stating an affirmation such as “I am healthy, well, and free of all dis-ease.” In this case, the person’s ego consciousness may be in conflict with the affirmation and there may even be judgment from self and others if the affirmation protocol does not seem to afford the desired results. It is possible that it might be more in alignment with the person’s conscious and subconscious thought processes to begin with an intention such as: “My intention is to be healthy, well, and free of all dis-ease,” and then to follow with affirmations and especially action, as is appropriate to the progress of their individual situation. And, it bears a weighty mention here that ACTION is ALWAYS the important follow-up and natural follow-through to our best and purest intentions AND affirmations!

Also, it is important to remember that everyone is different. The meaning of “May everything be in harmony” as an intention can foster an entirely different cascade of internal thoughts and feelings for one person than for another, which is why both intentions AND affirmations work better if they are made PERSONAL and SPECIFIC to the one using them. With regard to intentions especially, whatever their specifics, they must focus on what is important to us now AND what we want to experience in the future.

The final understanding to take away then is this: Thoughts are truly powerful, and whether they are positive or negative, bond with each other. They are constantly creating energetic frequencies and forms of varying strength building on and pulling each other along in the direction in which they are lead. So, we must eagerly and consistently build powerful thought forms and a clear path for our thoughts to follow with the daily use of positive intention (as well as affirmations, when we are guided to utilize these helpful messages to Self too).

Personally, I like to use intentions, although I definitely utilize affirmations as well, especially when I need something to help me in the moment. However, I prefer intentions because they are powerful not only in the moment, but also for the future. They also open wide a space for the Highest Good (not just for me, but for ALL), and they feel natural and genuine (i.e., REAL). There is no conflict between what I desire and where I am at that moment, and I feel at peace and ready to take any necessary action steps toward my intention. It feels like a nice flow.

In the universe there is an immeasurable,
indescribable force which shamans call intent,
and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos
is attached to intent by a connecting link.
- Carlos Castaneda

Intention is the core of all conscious life.
Conscious intention colors and moves everything.
- Master Hsing Yun